
    NMN + RESVERATROL Mixed Powder 50g

    Original price was: €200.00.Current price is: €100.00.

    Due to the characteristics and technical limitations of NAD +, NAD + cannot be directly absorbed and transformed by the human body, so most NAD + supplements are precursors of NAD +, such as NMN and NR, among which NMN is considered to be the most direct and efficient supplement for NAD +. NMN is a naturally occurring bioactive nucleotide, which is widely involved in many biochemical reactions of the human body and is closely related to immunity and metabolism. NMN naturally exists in various foods, such as soybeans, broccoli, beef, fresh shrimp, and so on. NMN is an important substrate for nuclear-derived nmnat1 and mitochondrial-derived nmnat3. Although NMN naturally exists in food, for the human body, the dietary supplement content still can not meet the needs of the human body, so NMN dietary supplement appears. After high-quality NMN enters the human body, it can quickly penetrate the cell membrane, to promote the natural synthesis of NAD + and quickly improve the level of NAD + in the human body.

    Resveratrol is a polyphenol with neuroprotective activity. It exists in common diets such as red grapes and berries. It has the same effect as red wine and resists free radicals. Adding resveratrol to NMN can improve the performance of NMN and play its role in the synthesis of NAD + to a greater extent.

    1. Activate the SIRT1 gene, delay aging, restore physiological function, and increase life span;
    2. It has anti-cancer and tumor inhibition effects:

    In the three main stages of cancer initiation, promotion, and expansion, resveratrol has anti-cancer activity and can inhibit all three stages of cancer. In 1995, Hubei University in mainland China found that resveratrol can inhibit the variation of normal cells, inactivate the protein of cancer cells and prevent the continuous spread of cancer cells. In a clinical trial, mice with skin cancer had 98 percent fewer skin tumors than mice without resveratrol supplements after 18 weeks. Resveratrol has also been shown to inhibit the formation of abnormal cells in the study of human autologous blood disease cells; It can also turn malignant cells back to normal.

    3. It has the effects of anti-atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, ischemic heart disease, and hyperlipidemia:

    Resveratrol can prevent atherosclerosis at multiple targets, inhibit low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and metabolism, and regulate vascular cell function.

    4. It has obvious anti-oxidation, scavenging free radicals and strengthening the immune system;

    5. It has the functions of anti-inflammation, and detoxification;

    6. It has antiplatelet aggregation and antithrombotic effects:

    The antiplatelet aggregation ability of resveratrol was tested, and the results showed that l.2

    Mg / L resveratrol can make the inhibition rate of platelet aggregation reach 80%, which can significantly reduce platelet aggregation. Regular drinking can prevent thrombosis.

    7. Effectively control blood glucose concentration and balance insulin secretion;

    8. New phytoestrogens can delay the arrival of menopause;

    9. Prevent osteoporosis and promote new bone formation;

    10. Male natural Viagra to prevent and improve prostate problems;

    11. Anti-allergy, asthma, calming nerves, sleeping, anti-depression;

    12. Effectively reduce weight, keep the body light and slim, and promote metabolism.

    IMPORTANT: NMN is not (yet) approved as a dietary supplement in Europe. So we offer you NMN expressly not as a dietary supplement, but as a chemical! The use of this chemical is solely your responsibility! The chemical does not fall under the prohibited or dangerous substances and therefore the sale of this chemical is allowed. We sell to customers who (already) know what they want or why they want to acquire/supplement these substances.


    NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide): full name” β- Nicotinamide mononucleotide “is a naturally occurring bioactive nucleotide. NMN has two irregular forms, α and β;β The isomer is the active form of NMN, with a molecular weight of 334.221 g / MOL. Because nicotinamide belongs to vitamin B3, NMN belongs to the category of vitamin B derivatives. It is widely involved in many biochemical reactions of the human body and is closely related to immunity and metabolism.
    The inherent substances in the human body are also rich in fruits and vegetables. NMN is the most direct precursor of NAD + in the human body, and its function is reflected through NAD +. NAD + also known as coenzyme I, fully known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, exists in every cell and participates in thousands of reactions. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) plays a vital role in a variety of cell metabolic reactions and is an important support for cell viability.

    The decline of NAD in the process of aging is considered to be the main cause of diseases and disabilities, such as hearing and visual loss, cognitive and motor dysfunction, immune deficiency, arthritis caused by autoimmune inflammatory response disorder, metabolic disorder, and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, NMN supplementation increases the content of NAD + in the body to delay, improve and prevent a variety of phenotypes related to aging, age-induced metabolic disorders, senile diseases, etc.

    Due to the characteristics and technical limitations of NAD +, NAD + cannot be directly absorbed and transformed by the human body, so most NAD + supplements are precursors of NAD +, such as NMN and NR, among which NMN is considered to be the most direct and efficient supplement for NAD +. NMN is a naturally occurring bioactive nucleotide, which is widely involved in many biochemical reactions of the human body and is closely related to immunity and metabolism. NMN naturally exists in various foods, such as soybeans, broccoli, beef, fresh shrimp, and so on. NMN is an important substrate for nuclear-derived nmnat1 and mitochondrial-derived nmnat3. Although NMN naturally exists in food, for the human body, the dietary supplement content still can not meet the needs of the human body, so NMN dietary supplement appears. After high-quality NMN enters the human body, it can quickly penetrate the cell membrane, to promote the natural synthesis of NAD + and quickly improve the level of NAD + in the human body.

    Resveratrol is a polyphenol with neuroprotective activity. It exists in common diets such as red grapes and berries. It has the same effect as red wine and resists free radicals. Adding resveratrol to NMN can improve the performance of NMN and play its role in the synthesis of NAD + to a greater extent.

    1. Activate the SIRT1 gene, delay aging, restore physiological function, and increase life span;
    2. It has anti-cancer and tumor inhibition effects:

    In the three main stages of cancer initiation, promotion, and expansion, resveratrol has anti-cancer activity and can inhibit all three stages of cancer. In 1995, Hubei University in mainland China found that resveratrol can inhibit the variation of normal cells, inactivate the protein of cancer cells and prevent the continuous spread of cancer cells. In a clinical trial, mice with skin cancer had 98 percent fewer skin tumors than mice without resveratrol supplements after 18 weeks. Resveratrol has also been shown to inhibit the formation of abnormal cells in the study of human autologous blood disease cells; It can also turn malignant cells back to normal.

    3. It has the effects of anti-atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, ischemic heart disease, and hyperlipidemia:

    Resveratrol can prevent atherosclerosis at multiple targets, inhibit low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and metabolism, and regulate vascular cell function.

    4. It has obvious anti-oxidation, scavenging free radicals and strengthening the immune system;

    5. It has the functions of anti-inflammation, and detoxification;

    6. It has antiplatelet aggregation and antithrombotic effects:

    The antiplatelet aggregation ability of resveratrol was tested, and the results showed that l.2

    Mg / L resveratrol can make the inhibition rate of platelet aggregation reach 80%, which can significantly reduce platelet aggregation. Regular drinking can prevent thrombosis.

    7. Effectively control blood glucose concentration and balance insulin secretion;

    8. New phytoestrogens can delay the arrival of menopause;

    9. Prevent osteoporosis and promote new bone formation;

    10. Male natural Viagra to prevent and improve prostate problems;

    11. Anti-allergy, asthma, calming nerves, sleeping, anti-depression;

    12. Effectively reduce weight, keep the body light and slim, and promote metabolism.


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